News Roundup

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Some of the articles of interest to working mothers that we’ve seen around the web recently…

  • The New York Times detailed methods of treating postpartum depression.
  • A The Cut columnist wrote about facing infertility with her kids.
  • Science reported that FDA advisers agree that the maternal RSV vaccine protects infants, but are divided on its safety.
  • Vox shared how Vermont has become a national leader on child care.
  • WIRED declared, “All the panic about kids’ devices is really about childhood itself.”
  • Parents published a piece by an autistic adult who explained what he needed from his parents when he was growing up.
  • The Washington Post looked at the practice of giving babies pop culture names.
  • AP News reported that Venmo will be officially available for teenagers.
  • Your Laugh of the Week comes from The Belladonna, with “Get Your Hot-Sh** #Winemom Tumblers in My Bangin’ Etsy Store.”

Also, do be sure to check out the news update over at Corporette!

On Corporette Recently…

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