News Roundup

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A mother with her childrenSome of the articles of interest to working mothers that we’ve seen around the web recently…

  • Moneyish reported that former Vogue employees have launched Maisonette, a luxury retailer for kids.
  • W Magazine shared how these stylish kids are driving fashion trends for children.
  • Bustle reported that Sephora has launched a “clean beauty” category to help figure out what’s in your products.
  • SELF announced its winners of the 2018 Healthy Beauty Awards.
  • Working Mother provided 10 questions moms should ask in job interviews.
  • Motherly explained why millennial working moms don’t believe in the concept of work-life balance, according to this study, and why they’re right.
  • The New York Times published an opinion piece about the open secret of employers’ biases toward working moms.
  • Slate provided a history of C-sections in America and included a reference to Meaghan O’Connell’s excellent essay in The Cut about why she chose to schedule a C-section. (Content warning: graphic descriptions of early surgeries and infant mortality in Slate article and, in The Cut, a traumatic childbirth experience.)
  • Deadline reported that the movie Show Dogs will be recut following complaints from mom bloggers and groups like the National Center on Sexual Exploitation about how a character is told to deal with unwanted touching.
  • For your Laugh of the Week: McSweeney’s offered word problems for figuring out your family’s summer plans.

Also, do be sure to check out the news update over at Corporette!

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Ha! I just wrote a similar piece to the 10 Interview Questions post. Some overlap but some different stuff (link in username).

I loved 10 Essential Interview Questions.

The essay in the Cut is everything I thought about when deciding between an unlikely to progress induction (due to other high risk issues, no spontaneous delivery for me) or a planned C. And when my baby hit the massively large 98% measurements and gave me the clincial option to choose a C, after weeks of waffling, I was so at peace that I did. And looking back, I am so glad I did and I would make the same choice over and over again. And I am even more at peace now knowing that every future birth will also be a C (no induction VBACs).