News Roundup

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A woman doing laundrySome of the articles of interest to working mothers that we’ve seen around the web recently…

  • Health shares the results of a new study that found “men tend to devote more of their days off to relaxing, compared to women who spend them tending to childcare and housework.”
  • Working Mother has released its list of the 100 best companies of 2017, as well as the 2017 working mothers of the year.
  •, an Australian news site, reports how the chief executive of PepsiCo Australia and New Zealand “has been championing family-friendly, flexible work policies” for junior and senior employees.
  • Glassdoor highlights 15 companies with the best parental leave policies.
  • Huffington Post describes how the ABC show Black-ish took on the subject of postpartum depression.
  • Vox explains how the maternal mortality rate in California is one-third of the national average.
  • The Washington Post offers advice for parents when it comes to teen drivers’ safety–and insurance rates.
  • The New York Times asks why more American teens than ever are suffering from anxiety.
  • NPR’s Here and Now also details the effects of anxiety on children, including “why some kids refuse to go to school and what schools can do to help these students.”
  • The Atlantic interviews an expert about the history of the Girl Scouts in light of the recent announcement that girls will be allowed to join the Boy Scouts.
  • Recipe of the Week: Buzzfeed offers some breakfast ideas you can make ahead of time.
  • Laugh of the Week: Scary Mommy shares funny tweets about parenting in the fall, from apple picking to decorating to buying those jack-o-lantern teatowels you must have.

Also, do be sure to check out the news update over at Corporette!

On Corporette Recently…

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