News Roundup

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A picture of make-up inside of make up kit boxSome of the articles of interest to working mothers that we’ve seen around the web recently…

  • Racked talked about how most of us don’t throw away makeup when it gets old.
  • Working Mother shares how working moms are relating to Savannah Guthrie’s Instagram photo of her school drop-off fashion mishap.
  • In Harvard Business Review, Daisy Wademan Dowling, founder and CEO of consulting firm Workparent, gives helpful advice to other working moms.
  • Above the Law talks to an attorney who took time off to care for her kids before reentering the workforce — she has some advice for women in a similar position.
  • From New York magazine’s The Cut: Kate Middleton recently shared some candid thoughts on motherhood and the pressure to be the “perfect parent.”
  • The New York Times reports on a new study that found that two particular tests can help in finding out the cause of a stillbirth.
  • Broadly looks into Ambrosia Labs, which says it’s the first company to export human breast milk to the U.S. (which it does from Cambodia).
  • The New York Times answers a reader question about the possibility of getting pregnant when you’re already pregnant — it’s called superfetation, and it’s actually been reported a few times in humans. (It’s more common among animals — like cats and dogs.)
  • Rodale’s Organic Life tells you what pediatricians feed their own children.
  • For your Laugh of the Week, Good Housekeeping has some funny parenting memes.

Also, do be sure to check out the news update over at Corporette!

On Corporette Recently…

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