Organizing Thursday: Clear Plastic Lazy Susan

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Plastic Lazy Susan Turn Table

I find lazy Susans infinitely useful around the house, and I really like this clear version.

The clear plastic makes it easy to see what’s inside (and easy to see if it needs cleaning). The raised sides keep your bottles, jars, and various odd sized objects from falling out.

While they work well in the kitchen, I like using turntables in the bathroom for makeup and various bottles of lotions and creams.

This lazy Susan is $15 at Target.

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HSAL, I have a 9 year old and 3 year old twins, and you have been an amazing resource for many of my twin related inquiries. You are in my heart and thoughts. I’m so incredibly sorry for all you’ve experienced, and can only offer thoughts and comfort now. If you ever want locate support, please post your location, and I”m sure this community will step up.

Oh my goodness. I am so, so sorry for this devastating loss. Big hugs to you and your kids.

A friend of mine works for Comfort Zone Camp, which has locations in California, MA, VA, NJ, and NC, and offers year round camps for kids who have experienced death of a special person in their life. The stories I hear from her about families participating are really heart warming: as someone else said, unless you’ve been through it, people don’t tend to “get it” so its real value is in being around others who have an idea of what it really is like to lose a parent. Maybe finding CZC or a similar camp for this winter school break and next summer is another task you can delegate to your village.

I’ve been a part of this community for almost 9 years, since I got pregnant with my first. It’s really my only online community, along with the main page (where I occasionally change up screen names). So I’ve shared a lot here, but it still feels weird to share that my husband passed away unexpectedly last weekend. We have an 8 year old and 5 year old twins. I don’t suppose we have any posters here who have been in this situation?